If you’re an event planner for a corporation, a small company, a civic organization, or a church or community group and would like to schedule one of our historical experts for a paid speaking engagement…
If you’re a student working on an Idaho broadcasting-related school project and would like to reach out to us for information…
If you have an item – or items – of Idaho broadcast memorabilia that you would like to donate to our Foundation …
Or if you’re curious about some aspect of Idaho’s broadcasting history and would simply like to ask us a question …
You can email us at:
You can “snail mail” us at:
Art Gregory, President
The History of Idaho Broadcasting Foundation, Inc.
6127 N. Hastings Ave.
Boise, Idaho 83714
Or you can call us at:
Main: (208) 853-7756
Mobile/text: (208) 761-1396
If you’re an event planner for a corporation, a small company, a civic organization, or a church or community group and would like to schedule one of our historical experts fora paid speaking engagement…
If you’re a student working on an Idaho broadcasting-related school project and would like to reach out to us for information…
If you have an item – or items – of Idaho broadcast memorabilia that you would like to donate to our Foundation …
Or if you’re curious about some aspect of Idaho’s broadcasting history and would simply like to ask us a question …
You can email us at:
You can “snail mail” us at:
Art Gregory, President
The History of Idaho Broadcasting Foundation, Inc.
6127 N. Hastings Ave.
Boise, Idaho 83714
Or you can leave us a voicemail message at:
We celebrate, honor, and preserve the rich history of Idaho broadcasting. We strive to highlight how TV and radio stations have shaped Idaho’s history and their ongoing contributions to the communities they serve.
Main: (208) 853-7756
Mobile/Text: (208) 761-1396
6127 N. Hastings Ave
Boise, ID 83714
Copyright © 2024 History of Idaho Broadcasting Foundation, Inc. – All rights reserved.
No portion or content of this website may be reproduced or downloaded without prior express written permission from The History of Idaho Broadcasting Foundation, Inc.