As a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization, The History of Idaho Broadcasting Foundation, Inc. relies strictly on donations from you, the public. We do not receive any grants or federal money.
That’s why your generous, tax-deductible donations are so vitally important to us!
Your donations will not only help us continue to keep the lights on and preserve our important broadcasting history, but will also help us educate people of all ages on the role free, over-the-air broadcasting has always played — and continues to play — here in Idaho.
By preserving the past — making it available for all to see and hear, and for future generations to learn from — we are better able to plan for our future!
Our biggest project: the Foundation currently owns the former KFXD radio building located at 1024 12th Ave. South in Nampa.
Our plans are underway to convert the still-sturdy Art Deco-style structure (built back in 1938) into The Idaho Broadcasting History and Media Education Center. Think of it as part-public museum and part-classroom, helping to not only preserve our history, but to also help launch the careers for young, future broadcasters!
There’s plenty of room for memorabilia displays, public group tours, mock radio/TV studios, and classrooms. Plus, we’ve already collected thousands of fascinating historic items from Idaho radio and television stations that are ready to be displayed and utilized!
When completed, The Idaho Broadcasting History and Media Education Center will be the only one of its kind in the state!
We realize this is a very ambitious project, but we can think of no better or more appropriate place for this to happen than the former KFXD radio studios.
So we would greatly appreciate any amount you’d like to donate, be it $10 or $10,000. And whether it be a one-time donation or a regular monthly withdrawal from your account, every donation helps. And will be spent wisely.
As a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization, The History of Idaho Broadcasting Foundation, Inc. relies strictly on donations from you, the public. We do not receive any grants or federal money.
That’s why your generous, tax-deductible donations are so vitally important to us!
Your donations will not only help us continue to keep the lights on and preserve our important broadcasting history, but will also help us educate people of all ages on the role free, over-the-air broadcasting has always played — and continues to play — here in Idaho.
By preserving the past — making it available for all to see and hear, and for future generations to learn from — we are better able to plan for our future!
Our biggest project: the Foundation currently owns the former KFXD radio building located at 1024 12th Ave. South in Nampa.
Our plans are underway to convert the still-sturdy Art Deco-style structure (built back in 1938) into The Idaho Broadcasting History and Media Education Center. Think of it as part-public museum and part-classroom, helping to not only preserve our history, but to also help launch the careers for young, future broadcasters!
There’s plenty of room for memorabilia displays, public group tours, mock radio/TV studios, and classrooms. Plus, we’ve already collected thousands of fascinating historic items from Idaho radio and television stations that are ready to be displayed and utilized!
When completed, The Idaho Broadcasting History and Media Education Center will be the only one of its kind in the state!
We realize this is a very ambitious project, but we can think of no better or more appropriate place for this to happen than the former KFXD radio studios.
So we would greatly appreciate any amount you’d like to donate, be it $10 or $10,000. And whether it be a one-time donation or a regular monthly withdrawal from your account, every donation helps. And will be spent wisely.
We celebrate, honor, and preserve the rich history of Idaho broadcasting. We strive to highlight how TV and radio stations have shaped Idaho’s history and their ongoing contributions to the communities they serve.
Main: (208) 853-7756
Mobile/Text: (208) 761-1396
6127 N. Hastings Ave
Boise, ID 83714
Copyright © 2024 History of Idaho Broadcasting Foundation, Inc. – All rights reserved.
No portion or content of this website may be reproduced or downloaded without prior express written permission from The History of Idaho Broadcasting Foundation, Inc.